Turnaround times are a current estimate. They are not guaranteed and your submission could take longer than the stated turnaround times. We will always try to update the turnaround times listed on the website, so that they can be as accurate as possible.

The company offices are based in London, UK.

The Professional Grading Company Ltd is a limited UK company and searchable on Companies House with the company number 13224865.

We accept any card or sticker that is broadly the same size as a standard Pokemon card. We do not accept any other form of coins, booster packs or other items.

We accept Pokemon TCG cards of all languages. If the language of some of your cards is not English or Japanese, it is helpful to note the language with your submission.

No we do not accept jumbo cards.

There is no maximum number of cards that you can submit. You can submit as many cards as you like.

There is no minimum number of cards that you can submit. You can submit as many cards as you like.

Yes, we do.

No, we do not. We can only grade raw cards and not those already sealed in cases by other companies.

Please use the Royal Mail tracking number in your email to track your item. If necessary please contact Royal Mail for any queries or to provide additional detail on delivery.

Please allow up to 7 days from grading date for the database to be populated with your newly graded cards.

No, our grading scale ranges from 1- 10, with no half grades. For example, a grade of 9 or 10 is possible, but we do not grade any cards 9.5.

No sub grades are provided.

Right now, we only accept cards being sent in from the UK. So it is not currently possible to have your cards graded if you live outside of the UK.

No, we do not offer any discounts, we have set prices.

At PGC the maximum possible grade is a 10.

The company was established in 2021 to meet the growing demand and low supply of Pokemon card grading options. Particularly the lack of choices in the UK and Europe.

Follow our Instagram account for updates and promotions at @pgcgrading